martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009


Hello everyone, the topic of this task is: Hobbies, things that you like to do, that you really enjoy to do. For me it isn`t a very easy topic to talk about, because thinking about the things that I like to do, I don`t do it all the time. For example I really enjoy going to the cinema, but the last time that I saw a movie at the cinema was I dont know 4 months ago?
So thinking and thinking I`ve decided that my hobby is watching movies, not only at the cinema however at home on a dvd or on cable.
This hobby doesn`t cost a lot of money, because you can watch it on tv, or download a movie from the internet, and if you agree with the idea you can buy a “pirated movie” on dvd on the street. And if you are really an addict of watching movies it can take a lot of time, because a movie ussually lasts an hour and half so if you watch two movies in a row you will be in front of the tv about three hours.
I enjoy this particular hobby because watching movies I can connect with the feelings of the characters, also you learn a lot in a movies about the time period, and you can laugh a lot if you watch a comedy.
I usually watch movies alone, when I go to bed I turn on the tv and look for an interesting movie, but when I go to the cinema I go with others, like my sister or my boyfriend.
I`ve been doing this hobby all my life I think, I changed the cartoons for movies.
Well, talking about hobbies, I would like to do a new hobby and that is play tennis, I know that tennis is a sport, but if you practise for fun I think that it can be a hobby too.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009


Hello, today I`m going to talk about a really interesting topic for all the people that live in Chile, specifically in Santiago: Transantiago.

Transantiago is the new transport system of Santiago, Chile. Well, it is not so new, it started in 2007 I think, and its implementation caused a lot of problems for the people that use this way of transport every day to go to there work, schools, or universities.

After all the troubles that the implementation of this new transport system causes, I think that Transantiago is better than the old system for many reasons. First, thinking about the Transantiago drivers (called “Transantiago-operators”), this new system is so much safer than the other, because the operators only have to drive. But in the old system the driver was a driver and a cashier too, which was very dangerous for the driver who has to do both things at the same time. In addition to of the elimination of the double responsability of the driver (as a driver and a cashier) in the pre-Transantiago system,it is very important to mention the fact that the drivers don`t handle money any more, which means that it reduces the possibilities of being assaulted, something very common in the old system. Another benefit for the Transantiago drivers is the fact that now they have a constant salary, wich one doesn`t depend on the sale of tickets anymore.

Thinking about the passengers, I think that the Transantiago system is better than the other system too. Because now you know where is the bus stop for sure, the bus doesn`t stop in every corner anymore, or in the middle of the street.

My experience with this new system has been good. When the system started it was a little bit caotic, because the number of buses that I usually could use from my house reduce to half. But now I don`t have very big problems, only the low frequency of buses in the morning, at 7 am.

I think that the most important change in order to make the Transantiago more effective is to regulate the frequency of the buses, and it is something that needs to be regulated. It iIs not possible that people have to wait hours in the bus stop because the bus doesn`t pass, or it just doesn´t stop because it is full.

martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

First task of psych4 group5

During the first semester of 2009, I think that I learned a lot about my career: psychology, and that`s because last semester was the first one dedicated entirely to psychology. The courses that I had were: Clinical Psychology, Communitary Psychology, Occupational Psychology, Legal Psychology, Educational Psychology. All these courses were introductory courses to the field of work that psychology has. My favourite course was Clinical Psychology, specifically because in that course I learnead about the Humanistic Psychology and I get really interested in how consider and treat the human being. Doing the required work of that course, reading and looking for information I learned and studied relevant things, like how to treat at the human being as a unit, no treat only the mind, but with mind and body.

One of the challenges that I had to face was the subject of Occupational Psychology, it was so boring that I didn`t go to all the clases, besides the class was on Monday`s at eigth thirty o`clock, so early! I really didn`t found anything relevant in this subject.

When I wasn´t studying or reading for the University, I spend my free time with my family, boyfriend and friends. When the schedule of every member of my family was the same we had lunch together, and the lunch it was so long that sometimes we didn´t get up of the table until the dinner. With my friends I went to some parties. I spend the most part of my free time with my boyfriend we watched movies, or just went out for a walk.

See you!!!

domingo, 5 de julio de 2009

My blogging experience

Well, this one is going to be my last task of the blog, since the course of English level three has come to his end, at least for this semester. So I`m going to write about how has been my blogging experience along the course.

I must say that I enjoyed doing my blog, because it was a useful way of practising constant, once a week at least. In addition the tasks topics were related to our career, and you had the opportunity to look at the blogs of other classmates and leave a commentary in their blog.

I think that this “blogging experience” helped me to improve my English, because the practice that it needs to learn a foreign language implies to practise the writing, and I believe that exactly it is what is done when you have a blog.

In my opinion, blogging in the English class had advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of blogging in the English class, they were:

domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

I would like to work in the Humanistic area of the Psychology, specifically my ideal job would be a Gestaltic Therapist. I`m really interested in the Gestalt, because the way that this psychotheraphy understands and treats the human being as a totality, it made me so much sense.
To do this job you need to have some qualities, and to develope some very usefulls skills. I can mention empathy, patience, be known deeply to be able to differentiate our own aspects from those of the patient, really like to work with people, to work with groups, to be ready to experiment the here and now and work from there.
I would be good at this job because I`m very interested on it, I`m really interested to develop all the skills that this job requieres and because I think that I have the most important quality to be good in this job: I`m motivated.
Now, I don`t really know how difficult it would be to find a Gestaltic Therapist job, because I don`t know any, but I know that there are some Institutes where you can do posgrades studies, and I think that once studying there the possibility to konw somebody that can to advise you or to contact you with someone who is interested in contracting a gestaltic therapist they grows enormously, I hope!

sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

Do Schools Kill Creativity

I watched the Sir Ken Robinson's talk titled: "Do Schools Kill Creativity", and I found it very interesting. Sir Robinson`s manages to create a very special atmosphere mixing intelligents arguments that show us how we privilege certain areas of knowledge over others, and at the same time, how when we do that, we help to kill the creativity that we all have.

I`m really agree with with what he says, I believe that we all have toughts at some time of how our life would be like if we followed another way, a way that fomented the creativity, and if nowadays we were real artists, like a famous painter, or a singer, or a sculptor, or any other profession that is not the regular one...How would be our life?

Another important question that Sir Robinson`s raises in his conversation, is that if we want that this situation continues of the same way. Well, I don`t.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

My Favourite Subject

My favourite subject at this term is Community Psychology, in this subject I have three teachers: Germán Rozas, Rodolfo Sapiains and Rodrigo Quiroz. I like Comunitary Psychology because it makes you think how the human being is related with the enviroment, and how they need each other to live. It gives a network view of the human relations. I have learnt this semester about the work in area that a community psychologist can realize, like work in a NGO (not governmental organization), or in a system of helth like COSAM (Community Center of Mental Helth), etc. I think that the most imortant thing in this area is his network view, because it`s not enough to help people to solve his problems in one minute, when there are material issues that are preventing this process of improvement. And if you as a psychologist can`t see this, or can you but don´t do anything about it, I really doubt that you can do a work that costs a sorrow.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Future: Love and Happiness

We frecuently are thinking of what we would like to be doing in our future, or we would like to be, and with who, or how would like our house, our endless list of things that today don`t seem so clear, or at least for me.
In five years from now, I will be finished my career, and I would like to be doing postgrades studies in the Humanistic area of Psychology, specifically I would like to be doing Gestaltic Therapy. Also, I would like to be in another country, maybe in Canada I don`t know, living there with my boyfriend in a beautiful flat with a very nice view. I really would like to live in a quiet place where I can ride a bike at any hour. I would like to have good friends there and go out with them to the movies, to the theather, to cultural events. But the most importants things that I would like to have in my future are love and happiness for me, and for the people that I love of course.

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

The Best in Psychology: Fritz Perls

From children, we have admired certain persons for very diverse reasons. And when we grow, the admiration is related with a more wide spectrum of things, like the politic, ideology, contributions to the society, etc.

I think, that the best in the field of the Psyhology is Fritz Perls. Perls, is a very known person because he is de founder (or co-founder, because his wife Laura Perls and other colleagues were founders too) of Gestalt Therapy. It`s important to say that Perls wasn`t a psychologist, at the begining of his profesional life, he studies Medicine and works as a neuropsychiatrist, then he was interested for the psychoanalysis, existential phenomenology, holism. This is one of the reasons that do that I like him, because in the Gestalt Therapy he incoporated so many sources of knowledge. Another reason, is the fact that by himself made films at work, with the aim of show the work of the psychotherapists for public scrutiny (on the contrary of what psychoanalysis has done, always between four walls). He is the best because based in him, in his aproaches it`s possible help to the human being to “seeks the unique creative resolution, of this unique situation, for this unique person, in this relation-ship, in this field, at this moment in time”.

Some of his books are:

“Ego, Hunger and Agression”,
"Gestalt Therapy",

“Gestalt Therapy Verbatim” and,
“In and Out of the Garbage Pail”.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

My career: Psychology

When you are in your last year at school, the whole world asks you what are you going to do when finally you graduate. But, to decide what are you going to do the rest of your life is not an easy decision, on the contrary is a very hard decision, or at least it was for me.

When I decided to study Psychology, I considered principally that I will be always in contact to people, studying the human behavior, understanding why people think in certain way, or why does (or doesn`t) do certain things, and be able to help to solve their problems, always thinking that the psychologist it`s somebody who can listen, somebody to trust your intimate feelings and thoughts, or anything that is causing pain or suffering. This implies to consider the human being as a totality. But, the psychologist don`t solve the problems of his patients, he is more like a companion in this difficult and long way of being known and to be accepted. This way of help to the human being, helping to develop his autonomy, it made me be interested and be motivated to study this career instead of any other one. These are in short, my reasons to study psychology.

It`s important to say that the Psychology offers a very wide field of work, this is related with the several fields of study that deals with. Psychologists doesn`t do an individual work only, I mean work with one person, this is the most popular vision, but they also work with groups, do studies or investigations. Improving the knowledge of the human being with him self, and with his enviroment, i`ts possible to improve the relations that he has whit this one. In this respect, the Psychology can be a very usefull discipline and contribute to the entire society. To do this serious job, you must have certain habilities to deel with very diverse persons, basically I can mention some tools like empathy, patience, be known deeply to be able to differentiate these own aspects from those of the patient with the objective of not to disturb the therapy, that you really like to work with people, to know different types of psychotherapies, just for name some.

Until now, I don`t reeeeeeeeeeally have a favourite subject, still I`m looking for "my thing", if I can say that. But, I`m really interested in the Gestalt, the way that this psychotheraphy understands and treats the human being as a totality, it made me so much sense that I felt deeply attracted to it at once.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

My favourite picture

This time i`m going to show you and talk about one of my favourites pictures and explain why I choose it.

Originally, this picture was a normal picture, with normal colors and with a normal background just like any phothograph that you can take for fun, or to keep a special moment to eternity. But this picture has more history than that.

Maybe you are thinking that this picture is very egocentric, even senseless, because after all i`ts only me. So what, it`s my blog! I can put in it what I want! No, I`m just joking and I`m going to explain what make so special this picture.

The main reason to choose this picture, is because it was a present from my boyfriend on my 21th birthday. He made this stencil specially from me, and it was a really hard work, it required a lot of time, talent, patience, and love. To create a stencil you have to made several insoles, one for each color, also you must be very careful when you cut the design, and to paint without to spill all the paint and to mix the colors.

Summarizing, I like this picture because I love my boyfriend and he did it with love for me.

Love for everyone!!!!!

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is my mp3. I have this mp3 5 years ago, it was a gift from my uncle, he sent it to me from another country. Before this mp3, I had another one, but it descompused because the battery burst inside.

I use my mp3 principally for listen my favourite music and to keep very important files.

I used my mp3 every day, specially when I`m traveling in the bus.

I like this piece of technology very much because is very usefull, you can keep very important things (like music, pictures, works) from your computer and then open the files in another computer to share. Also is very usefull when the connection to Internet is not sure.

My life with out it would very boring, specially my travel to the University, because I`m on the bus an hour and a half, and if I`m not listen to music I can`t relax to begin a good day.

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009


Hello everyone!

My name is Daniela, i`m twenty-one years old and i´m in 3th grade of psychology in University of Chile.

I had to create this blog for my English class, and also have to write an introduction with objectives of the course and what i expect to do in this blog.

Well, first I hope to improve my grammar, because i don`t really have reading problems, the problems come when I have to write. Another objective is improve my pronunciation, the class is a very good opportunity to do that.

I expect use this blog to practice my grammar, and also to be communicated with my classmates.
Ok, that`s all I want to tell you at the moment.
