domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

The Best in Psychology: Fritz Perls

From children, we have admired certain persons for very diverse reasons. And when we grow, the admiration is related with a more wide spectrum of things, like the politic, ideology, contributions to the society, etc.

I think, that the best in the field of the Psyhology is Fritz Perls. Perls, is a very known person because he is de founder (or co-founder, because his wife Laura Perls and other colleagues were founders too) of Gestalt Therapy. It`s important to say that Perls wasn`t a psychologist, at the begining of his profesional life, he studies Medicine and works as a neuropsychiatrist, then he was interested for the psychoanalysis, existential phenomenology, holism. This is one of the reasons that do that I like him, because in the Gestalt Therapy he incoporated so many sources of knowledge. Another reason, is the fact that by himself made films at work, with the aim of show the work of the psychotherapists for public scrutiny (on the contrary of what psychoanalysis has done, always between four walls). He is the best because based in him, in his aproaches it`s possible help to the human being to “seeks the unique creative resolution, of this unique situation, for this unique person, in this relation-ship, in this field, at this moment in time”.

Some of his books are:

“Ego, Hunger and Agression”,
"Gestalt Therapy",

“Gestalt Therapy Verbatim” and,
“In and Out of the Garbage Pail”.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

My career: Psychology

When you are in your last year at school, the whole world asks you what are you going to do when finally you graduate. But, to decide what are you going to do the rest of your life is not an easy decision, on the contrary is a very hard decision, or at least it was for me.

When I decided to study Psychology, I considered principally that I will be always in contact to people, studying the human behavior, understanding why people think in certain way, or why does (or doesn`t) do certain things, and be able to help to solve their problems, always thinking that the psychologist it`s somebody who can listen, somebody to trust your intimate feelings and thoughts, or anything that is causing pain or suffering. This implies to consider the human being as a totality. But, the psychologist don`t solve the problems of his patients, he is more like a companion in this difficult and long way of being known and to be accepted. This way of help to the human being, helping to develop his autonomy, it made me be interested and be motivated to study this career instead of any other one. These are in short, my reasons to study psychology.

It`s important to say that the Psychology offers a very wide field of work, this is related with the several fields of study that deals with. Psychologists doesn`t do an individual work only, I mean work with one person, this is the most popular vision, but they also work with groups, do studies or investigations. Improving the knowledge of the human being with him self, and with his enviroment, i`ts possible to improve the relations that he has whit this one. In this respect, the Psychology can be a very usefull discipline and contribute to the entire society. To do this serious job, you must have certain habilities to deel with very diverse persons, basically I can mention some tools like empathy, patience, be known deeply to be able to differentiate these own aspects from those of the patient with the objective of not to disturb the therapy, that you really like to work with people, to know different types of psychotherapies, just for name some.

Until now, I don`t reeeeeeeeeeally have a favourite subject, still I`m looking for "my thing", if I can say that. But, I`m really interested in the Gestalt, the way that this psychotheraphy understands and treats the human being as a totality, it made me so much sense that I felt deeply attracted to it at once.